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MATILDE VAGHI, Principal Investigator

Matilde is Assistant Professor of Psychology. Her lab at Birkbeck, University of London is interested in developing novel approaches to studying brain networks and cognitive processes implicated in psychiatric disorders on the compulsivity spectrum. A key goal is to understand the brain mechanisms underlying the emergence, maintenance, and remission of psychiatric symptoms and to move to personalisation of treatments for people affected by psychiatric conditions.

Matilde gained her PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Trevor Robbins and Ed Bullmore. Then, she was a postdoc at the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research and at the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging in London. Here, Matilde used publicly available datasets from the NeuroScience in Psychiatry Network and worked on understanding the developmental trajectory of cognitive processes and neural networks implicated in compulsivity with Ray Dolan. To create a tool apt for large-scale and longitudinal data collection and to engage the public in science, she also contributed to the development of a new smartphone app ‘The Happiness Project’ with Robb Rutledge. She was then awarded a Human Frontier Science Program Fellowship and a Young Investigator NARSAD Award to continue her work at Stanford. At Stanford, Matilde worked on neuroimaging approaches to understanding individual brain organisation in patients with psychiatric conditions with Russ Poldrack.


  • Prof. Carolyn Rodriguez, Stanford University

  • Dr. Patrick Bissett, Stanford University

  • Dr. Martin Nørgaard, Stanford University

  • Dr. Petra Vértes, University of Cambridge

  • Prof. Russ Poldrack (Post doc advisor), Stanford University

  • Dr. Robb Rutledge (Post doc advisor), Yale University

  • Prof. Trevor Robbins (PhD supervisor), University of Cambridge

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